Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Say What??

The idea of being fake doesn't sit well with me so I used to hate the idea of using quotes and positive affirmations to somehow make me "feel better about myself." I felt like many motivational, inspirational, or even insight type quotes usually sounded good but in reality, weren't realistic. When push came to shove, no, I didn't feel "positive" or "calm" or good about myself and I would only be a part of the charade by preaching or embracing positive quotes and affirmations. Now, though, I'm finding that I can learn a whole lot about life and myself from what other people have said. I've found that reading and writing down enlightening quotes can help me remember aha moments of learning and help remind me of what I'm working on and for and how and what I can do or ways I can think to influence my life.

Here are some of my favorites right now:

"An atmosphere of nurturance, encouragement, and acceptance will cause you to blossom the fastest... Your thoughts are your atmosphere." -V Hansen, S. Goodman

"Owl, you're just confusing things. This is the day after Tuesday, and its not Thirds--I mean Thursday." "Then what day is it?" asked Owl. "It's Today!" squeaked Piglet. "My favorite day," said Pooh. -A.A. Milne

"No person can consistently behave in a way that's inconsistent with the way he perceives himself." -Neil Anderson

"You have unique gifts to offer this planet, but only if you are willing to discover them, claim them, and express them." -Hansen, Goodman

"There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate." -Robert Brault

"Be an observer of your eating, not a judge. You can become a complete expert on your own body by simply eating with awareness of how your body feels before, during , and after eating. You cannot become aware while you are criticizing yourself." -Hansen, Goodman

"Change really happens when you DO something different and you experience the difference for yourself." -Rebekah Hennes

"The chronic 'Backsoon' always seems to have to be going somewhere, at least on a superficial, physical level. He doesn't go out for a walk though, he doesn't have time...The Bisy Backsoon has practically no time at all, because he's too busy wasting it by trying to save it. And by trying to save every bit of it, he ends up wasting the whole thing." -Benjamin Hoff

"You cannot tell your body what to do and listen at the same time." -Hansen, Goodman

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." -Herm Albight

"I was going to buy a copy of the 'The Power of Positive Thinking' and then I thought 'what the hell good would that do?'" -Ronnie Shakes

"When the sun rises, it rises for everyone."

"Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats" -Voltair

"You can't leave foot prints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt...and who wants to leave butt prints in the sands of time?"

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